
'Dragon's Dogma' Story and Gameplay Trailer - The Western Rpg CAPCOM [TGS 2011]

Japan is creatively bankrupt. It is not me, say it themselves. The decline of companies like Square Enix failed to blockbusters such as 'Final Fantasy XIII' seems to support such a risky statement. The core of quality seems to opt for Western industry, well established and very sure of its possibilities.

A demonstration of this shift occurs is increasingly common, Japanese franchise transfer to Western development teams. Franchises that until recently was untouched by someone who had no slit eyes. The Spanish affair between Konami and MercurySteam, Which gave a strong and healthy son named Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, is the most famous case of close. But the thing is not there, 'Dragon's Dogma' is an ambitious Western-style rpg developed by CAPCOM. If we are dry of ideas, why not accept our absorbing the opponent's defeat?

'Dragon's Dogma' commitment to a European medieval setting for a fantasy world where dragons but close and other mythological creatures rub shoulders with castles and feudal lords. We can define the features of our protagonist, real-time engagement supported by fellow adventurers. The world will be open and huge, to feel that sense of something incomprehensible that cries out to be explored. Of course, our actions will determine what we will end at the end of our journey.

They are elements that are used to seeing here in the name of 'The Elder Scroll', 'Dragon Age', 'The Witcher', 'Gothic'... Maybe too much direct competition and too much quality for a novice in these conflicts. That's where Japanese differentiation in small details like climbing turn to the beast of looking weak point. We'll see if we find an original product can make us forget, even for a moment, like freaks 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim'.

What I find curious is that Eastern accepted defeat in general and assumed the death of JRPG in particular, 'Xenoblade Chronicles' release in the West to prove just the opposite, not to mention the imminent 'Dark Souls', Role-playing game promises to be the nightmare of the most seasoned hardcore gamer. Does the Japanese industry of interactive entertainment killing dies? Or simply that there are no absolute truths and just talk about cycles? For now I'm going to keep giving 'Xenoblade Chronicles', Which has proved one of the best JRPG the last decade. Blessed decline.

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